Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The 39 Clues - The Maze of Bones (Chapter 10)

Well, we're deep into the book now, traveling with Dan and Amy as they search for the 39 clues that will make them the most powerful, influential people on earth. They've already been in a fire and an explosion as their own family members try to eliminate them and discover the clues first. Now they're on their way to Paris as they follow the life of Benjamin Franklin. In chapter 10, Alistair Oh has an encounter at the Paris airport with Ian and Natalie Kabra. They want the copy of Poor Richard's Almanack that Alistair is carrying. The big question is, how did they find out that Alistair has it? Also, Alistair says that he understands the true meaning of the first clue: Richard S-'s RESOLUTION. What do you think that means? Did Amy and Dan miss something? Who do you think the man is that punches Alistair Oh in the face at the end of the chapter? And what about the mysterious man in the black suit that appeared as the Cahill mansion burned and then again at the Franklin Institute when the explosion injured the Starling triplets? Is he good or bad? What makes you think so?