Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane - Chapters 1-4

Well, we've just begun reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, by Kate DiCamillo. Honestly, this is one of my favorite books, and I'm excited that it was chosen for Battle of the Books this year. Here are some questions for you to think about as you read. I would love to hear your opinions!

Chapters 1-2
  • The word “miraculous” means “like a miracle.” Why do you think the author would use this word to describe Edward's journey?
  • How does Abilene feel about Edward? What clues tell you this? How does she treat him?
  • What kind of family does Abilene come from? What clues tell you this?
  • The word “ego” means “pride.” What bothered Edward most about his encounter with Rosie? Would you have felt the same way? What does this tell you about Edward?
  • If you were in Edward's position, how would you feel when Abilene found you? Is this how Edward reacts?
  • Do you think Abilene knows how Edward feels? If she did, would she treat him the same way?

Chapters 3-4

  • Why do you think Pellegrina wants Edward to hear the story?
  • If you had to compare the princess to another character in the book, who would it be? Why?
  • The witch could have done anything to the princess. Why do you think she chose to turn her into a warthog?
  • Do you think what happened to the princess was fair? Defend your point of view. If you didn't like the ending, how would you have changed it?
  • Who do you think Pellegrina's story was really for and why? Did that listener understand the point of the story? What do you think will happen?
  • The words Edward repeats to himself were part of the story. Who did they refer to in the story, and why do you think Edward likes them so much? Is this more proof that he didn't understand the story?


  1. i loved edward tulane because it had a type of adventure you wold see in kingdom hearts or spyro

  2. I think the witch turn her to a warthog so she will look ugly,and she will not be the same size.

  3. I think the author used this word because a lot of things happen in this story some good some bad.she loves him alot.she is taking him everywhere.she treats him like a human and part of the family.Abilene comes from a very wealthy family. I can tell this because not alot of people have china rabbits.

  4. I think that this story is very sad but I think that it shoud menchen that were do abilen live cause all they said was egept street and I think that we need some more dedtel in it and tell that were is the fisher man what sea is it by thats all but I like it.

  5. I think the book Edward Tulane was a very good and interesting book. It had some really good and fun datails but,at the same time it had some very confusing character names.I love the pictres inside it.I enjoyed this book alot.

  6. Edward Tulane has been my favorite book that we have read this year. I think his journey was probably scary for Edward and dangerous for a little stuffed animal. My favorite part was when Edward met the homeless person. My favorite character is the homeless person and Abilene because they treat him very well and make sure he is always okay. I think this was a perfect choice for Battle of the Books.


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