Monday, October 12, 2009

The Missing Mummy - Chapters 1-3

Up to this point, Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose's visit to the museum hasn't been what they expected. First, Mummy Monday had to be canceled when someone stole the child mummy from the exhibit. Then, Ruth Rose found the missing mummy in the ladies' restroom. Now, the kids have locked themselves in the exhibit by accident. Think about the following questions and post your comments below.
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • Why do you think the mummy was stolen in the first place?
  • Do you think the criminal is a stranger or someone we have already read about? Why?
  • Do you agree with Dink that the woman who came out of the restroom was the mummy thief in disguise? If so, will we see her again?
  • Why do you think the thief didn't steal the gold and jewelry from the exhibit?


  1. I think that will happend next that the robber will robe the other coffins. The stranger wanted to steal the jewels. Yes it may be Dr.Twied that wanted to steal the jewels.We might se her again because the lady may be on the disguise and she puted the other clothes in the briefcase. The lady may have a lot of jewels than it was in the coffin.

  2. I think Dink,Josh and Ruth rose have to find the mummy. Maybe it was stolen because somebody thot it had gold and jewerly. It is a stranger because we dint read the part. I think we will see her again. I think the stranger dint stole the gold and jewerly because maybe is geting in truble.

  3. I think the next thing thats going to happen is that the theife is gona try to steel the other mummy's. And what I think why the mummy was stolen from the theife is beacus the theife wanted to get the jewels inside of the mummy. I also think that the theife is a stranger beacus the story dosen't talk much about her. Yes and I think that the theife came out of the restroom in disguise so people woulden't know who she is and not go to jail or get in trouble. And the last thing is that I think that the theife just wanted to mess up the exibit of mummy's and that she's going to keep doing it.

  4. 1.) I tink day the man is goin to loke for the boys and fuiger who grabe the kid mummy and brig the kid mummy bag to the musuon. 2.) Becouse the women wanth the jewels from the inside of the box of the kid mummy. 3.) A tink the criminal day take the kid mummy I'st a stragel. 4.) No becouse day found the mummy in the restrom so I don't tink tha was the mummy. 5.) Becouse the strangel wanth the gold inside of the mummmy's box.

  5. Yo pienso que se la van a llevar porque estaba en el baño de las niñas. Yo pienso que se la rovaron porque la hiban a poner en el baño de las niñas. Pienso que es un desconosido porque nunca a leido ese libro. Pienso que no porque ya a hido al baño y poreso ya no volvera.

  6. I think that the boy mummy is going to apear and he is comming thrords them. I think the lady steel the mummy maybe couse the lady wanted the gold. I think the criminal is a stranger becouse it dous not say her name. I dont think that the lady that came out of the bathroum is the thief. The criminal dint steal the juelry of the exibit becouse Dink and his friend where there.

  7. Yopienso que laban a en contrar porque esta en elm baño. Yopensaba que la mummy estaba rrobada pero luego dijieron que esta enel baño. YOpensaba que el ombre sela abia robado. Yo pienso quesi porque disia enla istoria. Yo pienso que si laen contraron.

  8. I think Ruth Rose and all the other friends are going to find more mummy's and explor.I think the mummy was stolen because it has jewels in it.I think the thif is a stranger because wan they toke it it was somwan tall not like a kid.I agree because Ruth Rose and the mummy wer the only wan ther.I dont think she stold it because it wold take loger to steal and they will find her.

  9. Q1.I tink whats going to hapen next is that Dink, Josh and Ruth rose are going to get scard because the mummy's are maybe going to come to life . Q2 I tink the mummy was stolen because under it's rages he hade jewel's and the criminal waned them. Q3 I tink the criminal is a stranger beacuase it sound's weard wath he or she did. Q4 I agree with Dink and I think that wey will see her again. Q5 I tink the criminal dident still the other gold because the other gold cost more than the one in the box.

  10. Yo pienso que la momia se va a escapar. Yo pienso que la señora que estaba en el baño se
    estaba robando las momias. Yo pienso que es una robachica. Yo pienso que no era la momia porque quando se salio la señora salio y la momia todavia estava en el baño. Se queria robar el tesoro de adentro de la momia.

  11. I think some of the mummies well be missing. I think becouse when the one that saw it stole it? I think it was a criminal. I think Dink is right I think they well see her again couse I think she was desquise. I think the thief had oredy stolen some of the jewlry so I think she decided to steal the mummy.

  12. I think that what will happen next is that the thief is going to anwrap the mummy. The thief stold the mummy because it cold distrat the persons. I think that the thief is a stranger cas the other persons were with the kids. I think that she went in the restrom to hide the mummy and she got out. To distract people I think.

  13. I think that what wii happen next is that the
    thief is going to anwrap the mummy. The thief
    stold the mummy because he thinks that the mummy
    has jewerly inside the tomb.

  14. I think Dink,Josh,Ruth Rose are going to taick
    the chield mummy back. Thei think theirs gold and
    the mummy walkt away. It was a laidy that was in
    the laydis room. I think it was the laidy. It not
    stiel the jerwaly.

  15. Rot Rose wel rond becaus the Missng Mimmi is on the restroom .I think she wanetthe mimmi bot sondwa was coming and that's way she pot the mimmi and the rober pot the mimmi .I think that the criminal is a stranger becaus noboti no the criminal and she rob the mimmi.I think that Dink is rong becaus the criminal cant comback agan.Becaus ther's alot of kid's dats way she derint steal the gold.

  16. I think what will happen next is the kids will get out of the thum. I think it got stolen only to look at it and steal some 3or4 jewels. I think that the won who stold the mummy is a stranger becouse maybee the reall thif was in the bathromm. I think she wasint the real thief I think it was another person. Maybe the didint steal the gold becouse security will see it and becose the didint wanted the jewerly .

  17. I think what's going to happen next is that there going to discover who was the one that stold the mummy but I think that it was that girl that came out of the restroom because it look like if she stold the mummy but I think she thinks that if she takes out the mummy there going to see her and she can't even carry the mummy.

  18. Yo pienso que los niños se ban a encontrar con la senora en al museo. Yo pienso que se la robaron porque la momia tiene algo espesial. Yo creo que no es una persona extraña porque ya emos leido de ella. Tamien pienso que a la señora que se robo a la momia la bamos a volver aver en la istoria. La señora no se robo las joyas porque estaban laquadas en cajas por eso prefieren robar las que estaban en la caja de la momia chiquita.

  19. I think that they are going to find the criminal that stoled the mummy. I think that the mummy was stolen in the first because the criminal wanted to get the gold that the mummy had inside the mummy's coffin. I think that is because I haven't herd about someone in the story.I think that we will see her again. I think that the thief wanted to see if the mummy was not stolen by another stranger or thief.

  20. Yo creo que ellos Josh Dink y Roth van a salir. Yo creo que fue robada por dinero. Yo creo el crinimal es un estraño. Talbes Dink tine rason. Talbes solo queria distraer a los guardias.

  21. I tik that they will see the momy. I tik that was stulen because it was an in portent person. I tik that is a stranger. I dount agree weth Dink because the momy is a child and that it came aut of the restrum was a women. I tik that the momy is more inportent then the the gold and jewelry.

  22. I think that she youst wanneded to stoleded because she wannded to have alot of money.

  23. Yo pienso que la señora se salio de la caja que estaba en el baño es la mala. Yo si creo que Dink tenia rason que señora que salio del baño es la mala. Yo pienso que la señora agaro los diamantes para ponerlas en una parte para agarar algo.

  24. Josh,Ruth and Dink will see the mummy wake up. I think that the mummy was stolen because the thief just wanted to see the jewels. I think the thief is a strnger. I do agree whit Dink because there was nowone that looked like the women that stole the coffin. Maybe the thief just wanted to see the jewels.

  25. Yo pienso que la niña robo la momia por que le gusto mucho. Por que la niña le gusto mucho a la momia. Ndie sabia que alguien robo a la momia y la que robo es la niña. Yo pienso que era una mujer corvitida de momia. Yo pienso que queria hacer rico.

  26. Yes, because I really think it was the girl that came out of the restroom.

  27. Yo qureo que la momia estaba mui bien en su caja y la mujer que salio del baño se disfraso para ir a robarse esa momia que estaba alli para que no la pudieran ber los niños que iban a bisitar y yo no puedo ber porque se la pudo robar.

  28. I think what would happen next is that Dink,Shosh and Ruth Rose are gonna find some interesting stuff in the tomb like some other jewels. I think the Mummy was stolen becase the stranger wanted to unwrap the Mummy and get some jewels out. I think it's a stranger,becase some strangers like to steel stuff. I do agree with Dink and I also think we will se her again because the police is gonna catch her. I think she didi'nt steel them becase maybe she could'nt get the toilet paper off of the Mummy.

  29. Yo creo que depues ba apasar que la momia ba asustar a los niños. Yo creo que se roabaron la momia para ber si era berdad que estaba ai.
    Yo creo que el criminal si se robo todo el oro porque sino no es tubieran ai los niños . Yo creo que la ladrona ba benir otra vez.

  30. I think the next thing that is going to happen is that the women is going to still another mummy. I think the mummy was stold beacuse inside there was gold. I think the criminal is a stranger beacuse they dont say her name. I do agree whith Dink and I think that we will se the women again. I think the women dirent stold the mummy beacuse she dirent have time.

  31. I think what will happen next is that the kids will find a secret passage to get out of the
    tomb. I think that the mummy was stolen because the stranger wanted to leave it in the restroom for someone else can pick it up. I think that the criminal is a stranger because we didn't heard the name of the stranger who stoled the mummy. I do agree with Dink and I think we will see the stranger again. I think that the thief didn't stoled the gold and the jewerly because maybe the thief only wanted the mummy.

  32. I think what will happn next is that the kids will find a dor to get out the tomb. The mummy was stolen because she or he wantet to distract the museum visitors rom the real criminal. the criminal is a stranger because we didn't not reed obout another person onli the kids. Yes i think that the lady that came from the restroom and i think will see her again. She or he didn't steal the gold because she or he didn't have time to steal the gold.

  33. I think the Mummy are going to be gone.I think the women waned to be rich.In the women is a criminal nd we never read about her it are first time reading tommore. yes I agre white jake nd josh nd they are going to see her again.she never wers jewel in her neak nd ears. but it is going it not going to be exaidet it going to be scary in the tomb so mebe they wont get out of the tomb becuse its loket from the outside.

  34. Yes, because how is she going to come out of the restroom and dint saw the mummy.

  35. I think that will happand is that Ruth rose Josh and Dink are going to faind a way out of the tomb.I think the mummy was stolen to take the jewelry out of the mummy.I think the persone that stole the mummy is a strange. because we dont now ho is the person that stole the mummy.
    I think that the person that came out of the restrom was the person that toke the mummy and put on a disguise.I think the thief didn't steal
    the gold decause I think the thief think's tear gold in the mummy.

  36. Some one will discober how it got stolen and ho did it then i tink they stold it to get rich.


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